Academic Affairs ~ 10/02/20


Vet Assisting Program – COMING IN JANUARY

The 750-hour Veterinarian Assisting program opens in January 2021 and will be embedded in the new Lake County Animal Shelter. The opportunities and experiences for students will be first class, as students will have access to assist ion all shelter activities as well as in surgeries. The new 31,000 square foot state-of-the-art shelter will be able to handle hundreds of dogs, cats and other pets while maintaining a No-Kill Shelter status.



HVAC Apprenticeship
Twelve apprentices began the new HVAC Apprenticeship program funded through a grant awarded to Lake Technical College by the Florida Department of Education. Bryan Orr, Co-Founder of Kalos Services in Clermont, is the instructor and says the apprentices are doing well so far! The next enrollment period will be August of 2021, but if you or someone you know is interested in the program, contact Laurie Bryant at
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Practical Nursing (Clermont Campus)
The Clermont practical nursing students were on the Eustis campus for CPR/First Aid training and certification. A special thank you to our partners at Lake County EMS for providing the instructors for the class.
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Medical Assisting
The students worked in teams to research the Florida’s scope of practice for Medical Assisting in comparison with other states. Then, to practice their communication and presentation skills, they discussed with the entire class their findings.
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Professional Culinary Arts and Hospitality
Ice sculptures were all the rage for the culinary students! They enjoy using the specialized tools and chainsaws to make the most beautiful creations.
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty, Nails Specialty
It has certainly been a very busy couple of weeks in our Cosmetology Department. Our students have become pro’s at social distancing and safety measures to keep themselves as well as our clients safe.

Last week, the Day Program freshman students learned how to perform a manicure and spent the rest of the week perfecting their skills. This week, the instructors provided instruction and a demo for the facials portion of the program, so the students spent the week perfecting facials and manicures. They are doing awesome and really bonding with their demo partners, mannequins! When COVID-19 gives you lemons, Cosmo makes lemonade!

Our Day Program seniors have been so excited to take clients the past two weeks. They have kept busy giving clients total makeovers as the pandemic has kept many of them away from the hair salons. We are very thankful for our loyal “Looks to Create” clients! In addition to working in the Salon, the seniors have also been diligently balancing clients, demonstrating their practical competencies and completing their testing. For many of the seniors, this is crunch time as they are almost to completion of the program. We also had a few Senior’s take their FINAL’S and they knocked em’ outta the park! That make us very proud instructors!
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CNC Production Specialist
In preparation for Manufacturing Month, Logan Troutman from Storyline Legacy Films, was on campus filming a video for the CNC program. Stay tuned for the final production!
CNC 1 100220 Academic Affairs ~ 10/02/20


Welding Technology 

Partnering with Vermeer MV Solutions

Partnerships with business and industry are the key to the success of our students and of Lake Technical College. Recently, Tim Fischer, General Manager of Florida Operations at Vermeer MV Solutions, sent us the following email:

Welding 2 100220 Academic Affairs ~ 10/02/20

“I just wanted to take a minute and thank Dr. Culpepper and Bob Sherwood for the partnership we have nurtured over the years with Lake Technical College. They truly have become an integral part of our business and the partnership is a win-win.  We currently have 20 Lake Tech graduates/students employed in our manufacturing facility here in Okahumpka. That equates to 34% of our production staff!!!!  Not only the quality of the skilled labor (mainly welders, but we do have some assemblers and material handlers on staff as well) is top notch but they are nurturing young adults into being responsible, ‘good people’.  We look forward to continuing this relationship long into the future and furthering the partnership.  Keep up the good work Lake Tech!!!”

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Fire Fighting/Emergency Medical Technician – Combined Program
Graduation for the Fire Fighting/EMT Combo was held on September 28. Captain Sean Sacco from the Clermont Fire Department was the graduation speaker. He is pictured with Eric Harper, instructor for the EMT portion of the program and Layne Hendrickson, Lake Technical College EMS Coordinator.
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Fire Fighting/Special Operations
Twenty-four firefighters from all over Central Florida attended advanced training through the Institute of Public Safety’s advanced and specialized classes.
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Adult Basic Education/GED® Prep
The adult education students celebrated “Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.” One of our former students, John, is now a published poet. He came and shared his story of struggling, persevering, and not giving up on his dreams of writing. John inspired our students and read one of his poems from the recent publication of a collection of poems, “Streams of Light.” Two of our adult education instructors, Colleen Avelli and Laura Ross have poems in the same publication. Thank you, John, for taking time to inspire us.

In addition, another graduate, Josh, stopped by to talk to the students about what literacy meant to him. Josh and John were in class at the same time and encouraged each other along the way.
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