Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (HVAC)
HVAC, students are working diligently on their reading skills as they prepare for the EPA exam. Math for the TABE test is related to real –world situations and scenarios in the HVAC career field. Several students are ready to graduate and enter the work-place and new students are coming in to start the program. One of the adult education students came over to shadow the HVAC program and was mentored by a senior tech student and shown the ins and outs of the class and field.
Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Baking and Pastry Arts
On Friday, Chef Cooper, Chef Koenig, Chef Evans and Ms. G toured Bountiful Farms in Okahumpa and then dined at the Bountiful Farms Bistro. This is an organic farm and a farm-to-table experience like no other. The menu is loaded with fresh organic ingredients and the food is delicious. The outside dining area with tables under a 200 year old tree was very unique and made for an outstanding experience. Owners Gareth and Jessica are Lake Tech alumni. They met when they were culinary students 17 years ago. Their love of food and their culinary education brought them to this farm and their hard work is paying off. They are truly a success story and the reason we do what we do!! Check them out at

The Culinary students enjoyed their fresh herb and produce class last week. See if you can identify the herbs and vegetables like the students now can!

Applied Cybersecurity / Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology
Its business as usual in the Enterprise/Cybersecuity programs. Students are covering their material and prepping to take their industry certifications. Several students have been successful in obtaining their A+ Industry Certification, and one student has passed his Security+ Exam.

CNC Production Specialist
What a difference a year makes. Last year this time we were starting with three students, two machines and very few tools. One year later, we have grown to 15 students, five machines and two more on order, and the inventory of tooling is growing. The students are taking field trips and during the holiday season, designed and machined many items for Christmas. They made ornaments and worked on their own projects too.
Auto Service Technology
This week was all about brakes. From brake drums, brake shoes and wheel cylinders on the rear to brake pads, brake rotors and brake calipers as well as brake hoses at the front. This vehicle will be ready to stop for many miles to come.

Diesel Systems Technician
Students Juan Castaneda and Amanda Lux working on their first engine teardown. By the end of the week, they both had their engines measured, inspected and running. We have also been learning about automatic and standard 5 and 10 speed transmissions. Spenser McDonald and Jeremy Beck are removing the bell housing on an Eaton Fuller 10 speed transmission.

GED Prep
Students are hard at work deciphering and decoding unfamiliar vocabulary within context of the text. Looking at word ending clues which identify parts of speech, has made an impact in grammatical structure of students’ sentences and writing skills. Using Jack London’s The Call of the Wild and Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of Red Death and The Tell Take Heart, students worked together to identify author’s purpose and how the structure of text impacts tone and persuasion. To have some fun at the end of the week, we have also developed critical thinking and visual/ spatial scenarios with toothpicks. Here, students were directed to move/remove a certain number of toothpicks to form designated pictures and situations.

Clermont Campus GED Prep and ESOL
Make extraordinary use of your time! Are you interested in completing the GED in the Clermont area? Maybe you have found the need to learn English as a second language. Lake Tech instructor George Alvarez brings a variety of knowledge and tools that makes him a dynamic teacher in both our English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and GED (high school equivalency test preparation) program located on the Lake Sumter State College South Lake Campus.
The ESOL program in Clermont offers online access to language lessons in the classroom as well as from home. A combination of books and online is used in the instruction, but it’s not just boring lecture and reading. Instead, everyone is expected to join the group activity “family.” The ESOL class fills up fast, and students stay connected with the group.
The GED prep program meeting in the afternoon is a smaller group currently, so space is available (the seats are waiting for you, but not for long) for those who wish to get that high school diploma and move on to bigger and better career opportunities. Join in the group and build strong relationships with other like-minded people who are pursuing the same goal.