Friday Update 10/4/13

In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Tech….

October 18 – “Turn Lake Tech Pink Day. All students and staff are encouraged to wear pink to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

October 31 – Fall Festival during lunch. Stayed tuned for details in the weeks ahead.

Academic Affairs

Architecture and Construction
A new program – Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, & Heating Technology – will open on October 28. Instructor Steve Bagg is excited about this program where students will learn how to troubleshoot, maintain, and test heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration electrical control systems and their components. Employment of technicians in this field is expected to grow 34% from 2010 – through 2020, must faster than average for all occupations. (www.bls.govopens in a new window)

AC Friday Update 10/4/13

If you are interested in this program, please call Admissions at 352.589.2250, ext. 1821

Arts, AV Technology & Communication
Digital Design
graduate, Caleb Jensen, is employed by Akers Media. This month, Caleb appears on the cover of the Healthy Living magazine!

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Business Management & Administration
Since this was the first Friday in October, our “Team Pink” recognized Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink to class. Class members who participated included: Chuck Durante, Betsy Isaacs, Brinda Ruehlen, Caitlyn Lewis, Julie Brown, Ms. Rosenglick, and Carolyn Shiflett.

This was also a week in which several students made presentations to the class. Martha Walker presented a very informative session on computer security. She identified many ways to be protected online. Zana Dudley also presented information on the origins of modern accounting and accounting concepts. She also identified the basic accounting equation and gave examples. We recognized Marlene Satten for completing an OCP!

In our classes we heard a lesson on using Pivot Tables, worked on developing spreadsheets to compare different pricing options, and developed complex PowerPoint presentations.

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Health Science
students Sam McNair and Cody MacGregor utilize SimMan, a human patient simulator, to practice patient assessment scenarios as given to them by instructors Jason White and Jerry Marrison. SimMan offers the student a more realistic patient in which the students can work on technical skills, critical thinking, and teamwork. SimMan is part of the new simulation lab located in the EMS building but available to all health science programs.

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The full time Day Nursing students recently spent time learning about different cultures. On Friday, they celebrated the culmination of this unit by hosting a multicultural luncheon. The food was delicious and the students said they enjoyed the learning experience. At the same time, they celebrated the July through October students’ and instructor birthdays!

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Law and Public Safety
On Wednesday, the Fire Academy recruits went to Triangle Elementary for Career Day. The elementary children asked lots of great questions and had fun putting on the firefighting gear.

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The MSC (Minimum Standards Class) completed the first half of the program which is also known as “Firefighter One“. The students commented on how fast the time flew. At an informal discussion during a break, Chief Ron Williams asked the students, “Why did you choose Lake Tech Fire Academy?” There were two predominate comments. “Lake Tech has its act together” and “Lake Tech cares.” Wow, what an endorsement for everyone on the team!

Chief Ron Williams attended a Dave Ramsey leadership training class last month. A quote in Ramsey’s book Entree Leadership that seemed to be perfect in our quest of delivering happiness and providing excellent customer service: “If you give your customers great service they will reward you with presents that have presidents’ pictures on them.”

PT Challenge on October 29 –Fun Competition between Law Enforcement & Fire Fighting classes at 11 am. Everyone’s invited.

Outdoor Live Fire Training on October 31. Good day for a field trip

Rappelling on November 7. Good day for a field trip

If you are interested in taking your class on a field trip to IPS for any of these activities, please give Ron Williams a call at 352.742.6463, ext. 1925 and then make arrangements through your administrator.

The Corrections Recruits continue their Defensive Tactics and Supervising Inmates blocks this week. The Day Law Enforcement Recruits have completed their Crime Scene Investigations block this week and started the Criminal Investigations block. The Evening Law Enforcement Recruits are continuing their Legal block this week; it’s a lengthy block at four hours a night.

Transportation & Logistics
This week, Auto Service Technology students spent the morning at Triangle Elementary School for Career Day. The Lake Tech students enjoyed sharing what they have been learning and information about the future careers with the elementary school children.

A new alignment machine has been purchased for the AST program and the students and instructors look forward to training on it on Monday.

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The Diesel Technology (Medium and Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Technician) program put some of their new skills to work as they built a tractor engine for Lake County Water Management. Tearing apart transmissions was a main focus this week!

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Student Affairs

Job Placement Assistance
In order to help you with some of your students who may need assistance with placement, Sonya Rosenglick is scheduling a workshop for students. Students may choose either one of these dates: Wednesday, October 9 or Thursday, October 10, 3 – 3:45 pm.

During this workshop we will discuss resume creating and job interviewing. Topics will include how to write a resume and interviewing techniques. Students who attend will be given access to an online course containing more information, activities and assignments in these areas. For students who do not have computer access, or feel they need more individual attention, Sonya Rosenglick will have a form (at the workshop) so they may sign up for individual appointments.

The new Lake Tech Admissions survey has gone live! Customers will have the chance to let us know how we have been “delivering happiness.” This survey will provide DeAnna Thomas and her team the opportunity to help us better serve our students. Thanks to Tom Netherton, DeAnna, and the Admissions Team for this very cool survey!

Let’s rock SkillsUSA this year, Lake Tech!

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opens in a new window Click the image to see the tip!

What’s Happening This Week?

Diane Culpepper will be in Tallahassee on Tuesday to speak to the Higher Education Workforce Committee regarding the technical center legislative platform for this year.

The Eustis Chamber’s Ultimate Connection Group meets every Tuesday at Lake Tech for lunch.

SCORE (the nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground) will take a tour of Lake Tech on Wednesday. Their local chapter is housed on the Lake Tech campus.

Diane Culpepper will attend the Eustis Chamber Breakfast meeting on Thursday at 7 am.

Trudy Dailey will represent Lake Tech at the Business Expo on Thursday. The Expo will take place from 2 – 6 pm. Let your students know – Admission is Free.

Trudy Dailey will represent Lake Tech at the Community Resource and Career Fair on Friday in Leesburg.

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