Lake Technical College is proud to announce that DeAnna Thomas, Lake Tech’s Dean of Student Affairs and Adult Education Programs Director, was recently elected District VII’s ACE Board Director. Mrs. Thomas was elected by ACE members in District VII, which includes Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, Sumter, and Hernando counties, and she will serve a two year term. In a letter to the members, Mrs. Thomas indicated that she would “love the opportunity to serve our district as a leader in the shared vision to ensure that adult learners have an opportunity to become self-reliant, productive members of our communities.” Mrs. Thomas has extensive knowledge in curriculum development, particularly as it pertains to College and Career Readiness and 21st Century Skills, as well as, experience working with legislators to develop policy, ideas, and opportunities for adult learners. She understands the direction that adult literacy and education is going with the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This past year, she was an integral part of securing and managing Florida’s Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System (FICAPS) grant that Lake Technical College received to integrate Adult Education skills with Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum.