What does a 93 GPA, 90% or better attendance rate, leadership skills and a strong work ethic lead to at Lake Tech? A full-time student’s ability to be nominated to the National Technical Honor Society. 56 students met these criteria and were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society on May 14, 2013. Lake Tech congratulates the newest members of the National Technical Honor Society. NTHS is a non-profit, nationally recognized organization for promoting excellence in workforce education to meet the demands of today’s quality-driven businesses and industries. The organization also offers scholarship opportunities to its members.
The newest members are: Kristine Allen, Medical Assisting; Jennifer Atkinson, Cosmetology; Abel Barajas, Accounting Operations; Sharon Brandt, Practical Nursing; Kaley Brown, Patient Care Technician; Deirdre Carr, Digital Design 1; Stephanie Cranor , Patient Care Technician; Robert Creamer, Medium & Heavy Duty Truck & Bus Technician; Yasmine Crespo, Digital Design 1; Brandon Dekmar, Applied Welding Technologies; Steven Draper, Digital Design 2; Autumn Driggers, Administrative Office Specialist; Ana Elentri, Accounting Operations; J’Anna Fickett, Cosmetology; Sherrie Galford, Medical Assisting; Matthew Gauntt, Practical Nursing; Laura Gruening, Practical Nursing; Caleb Gruner, Medium & Heavy Duty Truck & Bus Technician 1; Edwynn Hall, Applied Welding Technologies; Christopher Harris, Applied Welding Technologies; Alexander Hulbert, Digital Design 2; Kaitlin Hullinger, Cosmetology; Chase Johnson, Applied Welding Technologies; Jamie Knudsen, Childcare Apprenticeship Program; Estefania Libreros, Accounting Operations; Sabrina Lozier, Practical Nursing; Avian Lumkin, Practical Nursing; Hannah Maule, Cosmetology; Robert McKee, Applied Welding Technologies; Jessica McPherson, Digital Design 2; Victoria Kristine Mentzoni, Practical Nursing; Roxanne O’Keefe, Practical Nursing; Tanya Oliva; Medical Assisting; Cara Olson, Practical Nursing; Nicole Parker, Practical Nursing; Erin Ramsey, Patient Care Technician; John Reising IV, Medium & Heavy Duty Truck & Bus Technician 1; Taylor Richardson, Cosmetology; Summer Sayles, Medical Assisting; Sherrie Sedman, Practical Nursing; Robert Sherwood, Applied Welding Technologies; Eric Signorotti, Digital Design 1; Haley Smalt, Practical Nursing; Julie Smith, Medical Assisting; Victoria Staats, Patient Care Technician; Rebekah Kathleen Swenson, Cosmetology; Susan Taylor, Medical Assisting; Mark Thibodeau Digital Design I; Hanna Thompson, Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts; Shelbie Turner, Cosmetology; Iriselda Valdez, Practical Nursing; Marisol Vela, Childcare Apprenticeship Program; James Weber, Practical Nursing; Naomi White, Cosmetology; Victoria Williams; Childcare Apprenticeship Program; and Roger Wilson, Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts.
To become nominated for membership in NTHS students must fulfill the following requirements: complete at least one course and attain at least 50% of their program hours; be enrolled in a 600+ hour job preparatory program; meet the overall cumulative course grade average of 93% or better in their technical program; maintain an attendance rate of 90% or better (except Law Enforcement and Nursing which require 95% attendance rate); demonstrate good character and leadership skills; and be recommended by their program instructor. Once students meet the nomination requirements, a $30.00 membership fee is required. New members receive an assortment of NTHS recognition items including a certificate, lapel pin, white tassel to wear at graduation; decal for the Lake Tech certificate and three letters of recommendation sent to the member’s choice of colleges or employers. Members also receive special recognition at Lake Tech’s graduation ceremony.
For additional information about NTHS, contact Dr. Sherie Lindamood, Program Specialist/NTHS Advisor, 352-589-2250, ext. 1824.