Friday Update 6/15/12

Graduation Time is Near!

State of Florida High School Diploma Graduation Ceremony for recipients of the State of Florida High School Diploma – June 19 at 7 pm, Guest Speaker, Lt. Chris DeLibro

Career and Technical Education Graduation – June 21, 7 pm, Guest Speaker, Chancellor Rod Duckworth, Florida Department of Education Career and Adult Education

Academic Affairs

Lake Tech
is currently registering students for Fast Track Director Credential and Childhood Development Associate (CDA) Renewal courses. The Director Credential course will meet from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, and 26. Two Saturday classes will meet from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., July 21 and 28. Tuition for the course is $235.00.

Also offered is a 45-hour online CDA Renewal Course. The course begins July 10 and runs through August 14. Tuition for the course is $235.00. Internet access is required for this class.

Stacy Mickler’s first educational experience began at Tiny Tech, Lake Tech’s on-site preschool. “Several” years later, Stacy enrolled in the Early Childhood Apprenticeship program, meeting in the same classroom where she met as a little tot! As an exceptional student and leader, Stacy graduated from Lake Tech with Highest Honors, was inducted into the National Technical Honor Society, and was recommended to serve on the Lake Schools Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program Advisory Board. She has been an asset to this committee for two years, contributing ideas for the growth and continued success of our program. Stacy also completed the Child Care Center Operations course at Lake Tech, earning her Child Care Director Credential.

As a Paraprofessional at Treadway Elementary, Stacy was voted School Related Employee of the Year where she is highly respected and loved. Congratulations to Stacy! We are proud to have you represent Lake Tech as successful alumni!

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Hospitality & Tourism
The Culinary students have been winding up the year by making beautiful creations for everyone’s enjoyment!

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Law, Public Safety & Security
Fire Fighter –
The Clermont Explorers who assisted during the Fire Fighter Combat Challenge will be participating in a camp at IPS on June 21. They will be recognized at that time by Lake Tech for their participation with us during the Challenge.

Twenty-four Fire Fighter program recruits received their certificates during a ceremony held June 5. Fire Chief Michael Tucker, of the Villages Fire Department, was the guest speaker. He told the students, “After 27 years, I still have a ‘way cool’ job!” Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could say that after 27 years in a career.

Law – Do you want to learn to protect property and people? If so, then enroll in the first-ever Lake Tech Institute of Public Safety Private Security Officer, Class “D” class. The new 40 hour class will be offered July 16th – July 20, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The tuition is $199, which includes books and fees.

According to State of Florida regulations, applicants for Class “D licensed security personnel must receive 40 hours of training from a program that meets the State requirements for Class “D” Unarmed Security Officer as outlined in Florida Administrative Code 5N-1.140. A Class “D” license must be held by the individual prior to obtaining a Class “G” license. For additional information, contact Lt. Chris Delibro, at 352-742-6463.

Thirteen Corrections recruits graduated on June 12. Betty Jones validated their certificates. This was the first class to enroll in the pilot program which was only 420 hours in length instead of 552 hours.

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Students are being accepted now into the Basic Law Enforcement class which begins in July.

Adult Education
Have you seen the new doors on ESOL?

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In Some News on the Academic Front…gains, gains, and more gains! This week was a week where the fruit of a lot of hard work really paid off for our students. One student progressed eight grade levels in Language. Incredible! Also, every student in our main campus classroom who needed scores for graduation, got the scores they needed. Yahoo!

This week we had 10 of our adult education teachers on campus for day one of three of our Career Pathways Boot Camps. The teachers program shadowed, did a campus tour, and listened to presentations about the Nursing, Fire Fighter, and Law Enforcement programs. The teachers were really amazed at all the great things happening at Lake Tech, and were excited to empower their students with the information about our postsecondary offerings. GED…it’s just the beginning!


The Fall Term 2012 schedules are in! Our team is busy distributing them to the community. Erika Green, Lake County Literacy Coordinator, has agreed to help distribute the schedules to the libraries that we don’t personally visit. Also, next week our mail service will receive 73,000 flyers that promote our fall term. The flyers will be delivered to every mailbox in Leesburg, Mount Dora, Tavares, Mascotte, Eustis, Umatilla, and Sorrento. We are hoping to get good results from this campaign. Postcards targeting graduating seniors were delivered to the mail service Friday. Thank you Integrity Mail Service for your help!

Student Affairs

What does an attendance rate of 90% or better, a cooperative attitude, and a strong work ethic lead to at Lake Tech? A student’s ability to be nominated to the National Adult Education Honor Society. Nine adult education students met these criteria and were inducted into the National Adult Education Honor Society on June 13 . Lake Tech congratulates the newest members: Carmen Barrientos, Steven Draper, Jean Erskin, Martha Kauff, Rosa Mendoza, Kevin Merrell, Bibiana Moreno, Cindy Roberts, and Donald Young.

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Lake Tech will hold its first ever “Summer Tech Camp” on July 17 and 18. The camp, led by “counselors” Sonya Rosenglick and DeAnna Thomas, will be designed to showcase some old and new technology and provide time to practice using it. We have even heard there will be camp T-shirts! More information will follow, but mark your calendars now.

In the Community

Betty Jones attended “A Year in Review” presented by the Lake County Board of County Commissioners and the Office of Economic Development and Tourism held in Leesburg on June 12. The last in the series of “Review” sessions will be held in Clermont on June 18. Diane Culpepper will attend.

We are excited to announce that we are the recipients of a $40,000 grant from the United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties. The funds will be used to expand our adult education offerings in the community.

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