Are We Ready for State SkillsUSA Competition??
Yes we are! Students are practicing, instructors are encouraging, DeAnna is arranging, and the rest of us are cheering! We are proud of our students and their instructors!
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV Technology & Communication
In the Digital Design program, two more students have learned to work the vinyl cutter in the Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing classroom. It’s great to see students in these two programs work together. This week they nearly completed two huge signs for Lake County Schools’ Maintenance Department.
We’re building creativity! After Monday, instructor Kerrie Johnson will display their work in the case on the B-building wall. You’ll have to ask yourself, “Is it real or is it Photoshop?”
Caleb Jensen is building the United Way fiscal year end book and learning firsthand how things “really” work in the design world. He’s doing a great job!
Business, Management & Administration
Whew! Tax season is over and so is the Accounting Operations students’ commitment to tax preparation. There are four Accounting Operations students who are finishing up with OCP D and will be graduating in April or May.
Next week the Administrative Assistant program is hosting a luncheon on Wednesday for the Administrative Office Professionals here at Lake Tech in celebration of Office Professionals Day.
Law, Public Safety & Security
Corrections finished the first aid block this week and all Recruits are CPR certified. That will choke you up. Recruits will begin Firearms training Monday morning.
Day Law finished up driving this week and night law finished up the DUI block. Glad this week is finished up after all the drinking and driving going on!
Student Affairs
We are quickly drawing near to the end of the academic year and our Career Technical Education graduation ceremony. Currently, graduates and graduating students can begin ordering the cap and gown for the ceremony that will be held on Thursday, June 21st at Lake Receptions. Individual items, such as the memorial tassel, in the unit are also available for purchase. Some of the students may be wearing their official program uniform, but they may wish to purchase the memorial tassel. The deadline to order is May 11th.
Staff Development Opportunities
Florida Literacy Conferenceopens in a new window Join hundreds of adult and family literacy practitioners, volunteers, and adult learners on May 9th-11th to network, develop new skills, and share promising practices during the 28th Annual Florida Literacy Conferenceopens in a new window in St. Petersburg, FL. There will be over 70 sessions offered including the Opening Session featuring Mawi Asgedom, whose interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show was selected as “One of the Twenty Best Moments of Oprah’s Career”.
The Florida Literacy Coalition recently announced that award-winning documentary film director Sarah Entine will be the Conference’s closing luncheon speaker. Her film, Read Me Differentlyopens in a new window, focuses on her experience growing up with misunderstood learning disabilities that spanned three generations in her family. Lake Tech’s very own Brent Stubbs, Coordinator of Adult Education, will be presenting “10 Innovative Ways to Connect Learning with Career Pathways”.
In the Community
The Lake County Aerospace Roundtable will meet at Lake Tech on May 10.
The Ultimate Leads Group from Eustis has been meeting at Lake Tech for the April lunch meetings. They are enjoying the food and location. Last week, they toured the campus and many of the members said they never realized what Lake Tech was all about!!
We have 607 “Likes” on FaceBook!
Let’s try for 700 by the end of June.