Friday Update 1/13/12

The Counselor Day was a BIG Success!

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Academic Affairs

Business Management & Administration
Instructor Sonya Rosenglick has been working diligently on moving OCP B, Front Desk Specialist, to an online format. She has finalized it and it will be implemented beginning January 23.

Education and Training
For those people thinking about a career as a child care worker… Classes begin on January 21. Students can register online at Before registration is complete, payment must be received in Admissions. The cost has recently been decreased (yes, decreased) so check it out! Students must pass a state competency test in order to receive a certificate. Test registration information will be given during the first day of class. Classes meet either Tuesday evening or Saturday and are held at the Lake Tech main campus.

Health Science
Karen Walker, ARNP, Lake Sumter Children’s Advocacy Center representative, presented information on child abuse to all the health science students. The important topic was of interest to our students as they will need to know the signs of child abuse as well as the laws protecting children. The topic was intense, but our students greatly appreciated the information.

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The next Patient Care Tech program will begin January 23 and several options are available for students:

  • If a student comes in and wants CNA, that program will be scheduled January 23-February 28.
  • If people who are CNAs want to add HHA only, that program will be offered March 1–9.
  • • Additional CNA/HHA programs will be offered beginning March 12 and April 30.
  • If a person who already has his/her CNA/HHA wants PCT, he/she would begin the PCT program on March 12, 2012.

As you can see, the Health Science Department has structured next semester’s CNA, HHA, and PCT programs so that we can offer a number of options to our community.

Law, Public Safety & Security
The Night Law Enforcement Recruits finished up Defensive Tactics this week and all did well. They are now preparing for “Spray Day” Saturday the 14th. 

The Day Law Enforcement Recruits finished their first week and have just started the First Aid block of training.

The Line Supervision class just finished up the first week of training and all received a copy of Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge.

Adult Education
This has been an exciting week in the AAAE classroom. A former student and a current student received their GED certificates and brought them in so we could celebrate with them. We are sooo proud for them!!! We also has eight students take the TABE. All showed tremendous improvement and six of them achieved scores of 12.9!!! WOW!! They earned this by working very, very hard. Several of these students are currently in programs at Lake Tech and a few others can now start their programs. Also, two of our students started the solar film installation class being held at the former Mascotte Elementary facility and told us it was really fun and interesting.

Student Affairs

Lots of people tested last week! Diane Hutchinson reported 33 testers on Monday and 48 on Thursday! These numbers may be a record – Diane was simply exhausted!

Admissions will not open until 8:30 am on January 20 so that the Admissions team can have their monthly meeting.


During the next few weeks over 20,000 of these flyersopens in a new window will be distributed throughout Lake County.

We are excited about “re-branding” adult education. When people think adult education at Lake Tech, we want them to think: “GED…It’s just the Beginning“. Why? Because that is what we do. We don’t just teach fractions, essay writing, and social studies. We change lives and re-set the course for those who have found themselves off of the path they intended. The first step, of course, is signing up for class. So, tell someone about us! Do you have friends in Mascotte? Did you know we are opening up a new ESOL and GED day class at the former Mascotte Elementary School? GED…It’s just the Beginning.

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