Friday Update 10/25/13

Coming Up at Lake Tech….

  • October 29, PT Challenge at the Institute of Public Safety (Fire Fighter cadets vs Law Enforcement recruits)
  • October 30, 7:30 pm – Fall Fashion Show by PM Cosmetology
  • October 31, During Lunch, Fall Festival
  • November 14, 50 high school students from Take Stock in Children will be on campus to learn more about postsecondary opportunities at Lake Tech
  • November 19, SHOWCASE! We welcome high school seniors to preview “A Career in a Year” at Lake Tech during the day
  • November 22, National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony, 1:45 pm

Academic Affairs

Architecture & Construction
The new Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Heating Technology program opens on Monday, October 28. Students will train to become technicians by learning and applying the planning, management, technical, and production skills along with health, safety, and environmental techniques for this exciting career field.

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When the students complete the programs, they will be able to earn their EPA Certified Technician and NCCER certifications. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for this field is growing much faster than average for all occupations. The median annual wage for an experienced HVAC technician is $42,530. (www.bls.govopens in a new window)

Arts, AV Technology & Communication
Digital Designers
experienced a “LARGE” day on Wednesday by attending the Specialty Graphics Imaging Association (SGIA) Expo at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. Most students had never attended an event at the Convention Center, so being inside a building that size was the first lesson in “large.” Added to that, was the expanse of the SGIA Expo with wide format printers and grand format printers (some as wide as 20 feet) printing huge rolls of fabric, vinyl and paper for everything from apparel, visual displays, billboards, to building wraps. We watched experts installing vehicle wraps and graphics, screen printed shirts, decals being die cut, awards being engraved, caps being embroidered, buttons being stamped, shirts getting blinged, and on and on.

Many exhibitors let students test out the equipment, and they had great fun designing custom mouse pads. They all brought home more samples than they could hardly carry, but getting to see for themselves how their skills as graphic designers are such a vital part of a huge industry with enormous computerized machinery was priceless. It also opened their minds to a plethora of job opportunities that await them in their field. Of course, we also left with a “wish list” of printers and other assorted fun equipment we would love to have in class!

In addition to the field trip, this week the Digital Design students created all-paper-product scarecrow people for the Scarecrow Decorating contest. By doing so, they were able to explore and use some of the tools of their trade. They also had the chance to use Xacto knives to properly cut out a client proof.

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Business Management & Administration
This has been a very busy week for the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist students. Everyone was still discussing the wonderful “Fall Festival” that we enjoyed last Friday. As promised in last week’s article, we recognized our students’ achievements by awarding certificates this week. Pictured receiving their well-earned honors are Suzanne Auritt, Brinda Ruehlen, Caitlyn Lewis, Julie Brown and Kelsey Tracy. Congratulations to all!

In addition to our regular class assignments, our students also participated in a number of other activities. Our Administrative Office Specialist (AOS) student, Betsy Isaacs, is shown with Ms. Etta Woodruff, as she spent time helping out at the main reception desk. She answered the phones, answered visitors questions and escorted guests. This is good experience for all our AOS students. The deadline for the 2nd edition of our Business Class Newsletter is soon approaching. We see Kelsey Tracy being interviewed by Rose Williams, Kelsey Tracy, Kamia Manning and Suzanne Auritt. The newsletter features articles about our students and classroom activities.

In our classes we worked on Excel’s advanced filtering procedures, understanding accounting concepts, and we continued to learn about filing procedures.

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Health Science
Ten of the Day Practical Nursing students volunteered to work at the Mt. Dora Craft Fair this past weekend at the request of Lt. Liles from the Mt. Dora Fire Department.

Plans are underway for the new Pharmacy Technician program which will open January 21. In this high demand program, students will be prepared as pharmacy techs to assist pharmacists in both retail and hospital environments. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of pharmacy technicians is growing much faster than average for all occupations.

Hospitality and Tourism

The Commercial Foods/Culinary Arts students prepared some Halloween cookies.

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In addition, the students are preparing for their pumpkin carving contest and the Fall Festival cook-out on October 31. Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, corn on the cob, and drinks will be available!

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Human Services
The Cosmetology students practiced nail art, spiral roller sets, and flat ironing hair this week. In addition, the PM Cosmetology students will hold a Fall Fashion Show on October 30 at 7:30 pm.

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Law and Public Safety
The Corrections recruits graduated on Monday evening. The keynote speaker was Cornita A. Riley, Chief of Corrections for the Orange County Corrections Department. The instructor speaker was retired chief of the Astatula Police Department, Carson Sink. Fourteen new Correctional Officers are now ready to go to work in this important and honorable profession.

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The Day Law Enforcement recruits have completed the traffic crash investigations block this week and moved into traffic stops on Thursday. The Night Law Enforcement recruits have continued in the Communications block this week. All are progressing nicely.

The PT Challenge will take place on Tuesday between the Fire Fighter students and the Law Enforcement students. A cook out will be held after the winning team is announced.

Plans are underway for the Center for Advanced Manufacturing @ Lake Tech. In addition to the remodeled facility, curriculum is being developed. Have you ever heard of IHK certification? Training opportunities to prepare for IHK certification are coming soon in Basic Level CNC Technology, Continuation CNC Technology, and User Level CNC Technology.

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Transportation & Logistics
The Diesel Technology students pulled a DT466 engine to rebuild for the Emerald Springs Water Company. In addition, they learned how a steering gear box works.

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This week, the Auto Service Technology students learned to check for trouble codes and look at live data graphs on a 2003 Chrysler Town and Country. They also learned to use the Genisys scan tool.

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The Auto Collision students are preparing to take the Florida Ready to Work exam. Florida Ready to Work is an employee credentialing program that tests and scores job skills and work habits. It gives jobseekers a competitive edge proving to employers they have the right skills and the right attitude for the job. Florida Ready to Work is supported by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Employ Florida, the Manufacturers Association of Florida, Associated Industries of Florida, the Society for Human Resource Management and more. Check it out at in a new window. Lake Tech is a Florida Ready to Work authorized assessment center.

The Auto Collision students and instructors partnered with V.O.R.R.H (Veteran Organization of Resource and Recover for the Homeless) to repair and paint their van which is used to transport the Veterans they are assisting. Joe Matracea, from Prestige Ford, donated the paint. Lloyd Thorne, Executive Director and Helen Shaut, Assistant Executive Director seemed to be very pleased with the results!

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Adult Education
One of our graduates came back to meet a student who had written to her for a picture for our GED “Wall of Fame.” She was thrilled to hear from her and thought it was an honor to be on the wall. Lovely Dorleans is one of our Adult Education success stories. She came to Florida from Haiti after the earthquakes there three years ago. She spoke no English and started in our ESOL program. She learned quickly, and came to the GED class. Lovely earned her diploma, went on to earning her CNA license, then completed her Patient Care Tech program, and is now working at Florida Hospital. What a lot accomplished in three years!

Several of our students had interviews at Target this week. Josh Benton came back feeling good about his interview and is waiting to hear back from them.

Mrs. Avelli provided a social studies lesson and had students using their computer skills to type up thoughts and answers to the questions – preparing for the new GED and real life!

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Student Affairs

A new chat feature has been added to our website. Potential students and others with questions will be able to “chat live” with our Admissions Team. Check it out next time you are on www.laketech.orgopens in a new window.

Auto Collision instructor James Brucker and Cosmetology instructors Lucy Ancona and Tonia Whalen attended the Florida SkillsUSA Class of 2013 Chapter Management Institute. This is a three-day intensive course in which instructors become certified chapter advisors for SkillsUSA. Out of a class of 19 members, seven were selected and voted on by their classmates for officer positions. It’s pretty impressive that ALL THREE Lake Tech teachers were elected! James Brucker- President, Lucy Ancona- Treasurer, Tonia Whalen- Secretary. They did an amazing job and represented Lake Tech well! Equally impressive is the fact that Lake Tech Dean DeAnna Thomas taught the seminar to all the participants.

National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be held on November 22 at 1:45 pm. Contact Dr. Sherie Lindamood in Admissions for information.


The Technological 5K by Barry Saide as posted in ASCD Inservice, October 24, 2013

The first time I ran a 5K race was two years ago. It was on my bucket list, but that’s not why I did it. I did it for the pizza. Every summer my in-laws’ hometown sponsors a 5K. Anyone who runs, walks, or limps over the finish line gets as much free pizza as they can eat. As if I needed any more motivation.

Now, I’m not a total neophyte to jogging; I run every summer. Then school kicks in, and I really don’t run until the next summer comes. Over the course of each summer, I build up my stamina and lose some weight. But taking the plunge to run a 5K race? That was stepping up competition. I run more like a tortoise than a hare. What if I finished last? Someone has to.

My fears about running in an official race, as opposed to just jogging to work out, are very similar to the fears teachers have with technology. It’s one thing to try something in the comfort of your own classroom or office; it’s another to do this where others can see you. What if everyone finds out you’re not familiar with the technology you’re expected to use? The questions mount. The fears multiply. That’s why it’s easier to run on a treadmill or on a track when you’re alone. No one knows when you started or how far you’ve gone.

In order to ease some of my fears about running the “pizza race,” I enlisted a coach. My sister-in-law had run a marathon, so she talked to me about the mental process of 5K training. I also went to a nearby running store, where the salesperson chose a few sneakers for me and watched my stride as I ran on the store treadmill (yes, they had one, and it was cool). I even found a dog-walking club and walked long distances with them and our dogs to build up my endurance.

In the end, I ran the entire five kilometers. I didn’t come in last. I felt good about myself. And I crossed something off my bucket list. I didn’t become a runner overnight; it took time. I still struggle with getting outside or on the treadmill to run. I set small goals for myself, celebrate those wins, share them with anyone who will listen, and set new ones.

Your mentality towards technology can be the same thing as training for a 5K:

  • Set a technological goal that is manageable, clear, and makes sense for your current role.
  • Accept that it may not work perfectly all the time, just as there are days I can’t fit in a run.
  • Learn from it, as you teach your students to do when they fail. And grow from it, as we are all lifelong learners.
  • Be creative about how you choose to learn about technology. Try to make it something that you can enjoy.
  • Find a coach or a team that you’re comfortable with openly discussing your knowledge of technology (or lack thereof).

Teachers and administrators, at their core, are helpful people. Nothing makes us feel better about ourselves than when we leverage the learning of our students, scaffold their knowledge, and move them through their zone of proximal development. You can be that teacher. Or that student. You’re never too old to learn new technology.

The current oldest 5K runner, Fauja Singh, is 101 years old. He completed a recent 5K in 40 minutes. He wasn’t the last to finish, either.

In the Community

  • October 29, Diane Culpepper will be speaking to the South Lake Rotary Club at 6:30 am.
  • November 6 – Lake Tech will be participating in the Goodwill Job Fair in Clermont from 10 an – 2 pm.
  • November 7 – Lake Tech will be participating in the Taste of South Lake & Business Expo, 5 -8 pm, Clermont’s Waterfront Park

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