New Classes Available – Let Your Students Know!
Microsoft Excel – 10/30-11/27, $75
Resume Writing – 10/11-10/18, $35
Academic Affairs
Business, Management & Administration
Recently our Business, Management & Administration classes had a guest presenter, Luca Pacioli, who is considered to be the “Father of Accounting”. Since both the Accounting and Administrative Office Specialist programs use these concepts in their professions, his visit was very timely. This Italian mathematician and Franciscan friar also collaborated with Leonardo da Vinci. He lived from 1445 – 1517. During his presentation, Friar Pacioli discussed the relationship between assets, liabilities and owners’ equity; concepts that modern accounting is based upon.
He showed an example of his research using an accounting tool call the “T” account. To help with this part of the presentation and because he had to assist Leonardo with some paint color choices, he called upon his good friend the dynamic, MR. T! Mr. T said was glad to be part of the “A” team (Accounting and AOS). He then began to recite a poem dedicated to “Debits on the left, Credits on the right”. He will be putting it to music so be sure to listen for it!
After showing several examples, Mr. T was summoned to another A team. Before leaving he called upon Mr. Lloyd Lapat, an Accounting Operations student. Lloyd summarized the experience to rounds of applause.
Health Science
The full time Day Practical Nursing program (graduated June) had a 100% pass rate on the State Boards. As you remember, the full time Evening Program (graduated February) had a 100% pass rate. Way to go – Lake Tech students and instructors!!
Human Services
We have been clipper cutting in Cosmetology this week. The students have been learning fades and how to cut using clippers. We went on a search for good candidates as models and thought the guys over at the Public Safety campus might be able to help us out. Thanks to Sgt. Edwards for bringing his new recruits over to the department so that the students could practice. I think BOTH classes had a great time collaborating together on this project, and we are looking forward to more days like this in the future!
Law, Public Safety & Security
On October 23, the PT Challenge will once again be held between the Fire and Law students. Mark this day on your calendar – it is a fun event for everyone.
The Law Enforcement recruits are on the firearms range this week and all is going as expected. This can be a very trying week for some students, but we are very confident they will finish just fine.
The Corrections recruits passed their first exam this week. They took a tour of the Lake County Jail this week and none were scared away from the program. On another good note, we were able to make it to the main campus for haircuts from the Cosmetology students and the recruits always have fun getting to know the other students.
The Welding students celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness Month with pink cupcakes supplied by Ms. Kerrie Johnson, Digital Design instructor!
Career Pathways
On Friday afternoon, the Adult Education class played ”Race Against the Teacher” using www.Freerice.comopens in a new window. The students enjoyed trying to beat Mr. Beckstrom while Ms. Dailey gave clues to the students. The students played for three minutes and many continued playing after the game was over. Mr. Beckstrom won with 330 points! The students and instructors then translated the results into ratio and proportion with students figuring out how many correct words Mr. Beckstrom actually had during the game.
Staff Development
Professional Development Instituteopens in a new window
The Perkins Professional Development Institute (PDI) is once again offering postsecondary training opportunities for Administrators and Teachers/Instructors. The training format for both programs is self-paced, non-facilitated, asynchronous training and is OFFERED FREE to administrators, teachers, or districts. Registration is ongoing through March 1, 2013.
Go to for applications and information on training objectives and outcomes. If you have any questions contact Maraci Hahn at 352-854-2322 ext. 1283 or at .
Industry Certification Mini-grants – Visit the PDI website to watch a short informative video on what’s new this year and to learn about self-study options to prepare for exams.
Tech Tip of the Week – (click on the picture)
Out In the Community
Please tell your students to plan to attend the Leesburg Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. Trudy Dailey will set-up and represent Lake Tech. There is a small admission charge; however, there are restaurants that will have samples of great food. The event runs from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. on October 11 at Lake –Sumter Community College’s gymnasium.
Lake Tech will be participating in the school district’s “Education Innovations” which will be held at Leesburg High School on October 16 from 5:30 until 8 pm.
On October 19th, Lake Tech will have a display at the Community Resource and Job Fair to be held at Venetian Gardens on Friday, October 19th. Also, please notify Trudy Dailey about interesting things happening in your program and she’ll help get the word out!
New Classes:
- Forklift Operator – The last Friday of every month — $125
- Class “D” Security Guard – Contact Lt. Chris DeLibro at 352.742.6463 for schedule — $199
- Artistic Welding – 10/23-11/13, $318