The Week Ahead….
- Advisory Committee Event and Meeting – February 23, 6 pm
- PM Nursing Pinning Ceremony – February 24, 7 pm
- GeorgeFest Parade – February 25, 10 am (If your students want to participate, ask them to see David Beliveau)
- Teacher of the Year Event – February 25, 6 pm
- SkillsUSA Regional Competition – March 1-3
- Operation TEAMWORK – March 10 at Lake Tech
Academic Affairs
Arts, AV & Communication
Our first four completers of Digital Design 1! Imagine that… they’re the same four representing Lake Tech at SkillsUSA Regional competition March 1-3. We’re intensely training to make a great show in two short weeks! Our Regional President is Caleb Jensen, who is also competing in Advertising Design.
This week, we are spotlighting Kassie Cozart who completed the Commercial Art 1 program last year. She has been hired at Lake Magazine (even before completing the program) and has already had a promotion. Kassie is working close with Ron Williams and the Scotts Combat Firefighting Challenge creating posters, flyers, a media kit, and other collateral. Last week, she attended a meeting with the national coordinators of the Challenge and was highly complimented for her work.
There is still space for a few more Digital Design students. If you know of anyone in your circle of friends who might have relatives, kids, high school students, or anyone else they know who are creative and need a career, please have them to talk to Kerrie Johnson.
Health Science
The Paramedic students are working on advanced skills and recently received instruction about ventricular assist devices (VAD) from Pam Brennan. Pam is a coordinator with the Tampa General Hospital VAD program which is the 4th busiest of its kind in the U.S. This device is used by patients who are awaiting heart transplants and they are becoming more and more common. We’d like to thank Ms. Brennan very much for her great instruction and insight.
In addition, the students had a chance to work with the motor vehicle incident prop which has been on campus for the past couple of weeks.
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Law, Public Safety & Security
Chief Ron Williams continues to organize and prepare for the very exciting Scott Fire Fighter Combat Challenge which will be held on April 13-15. Mark your calendars today! This is going to be a very exciting event. Check out a past Challenge on YouTubeopens in a new window
Thursday is the last day for Night Law Vehicle Operations. All of the students have done well, learned a bunch, and had a great time. Day Law students are in the middle of two different blocks: Communications and Defensive Tactics. Next Friday is chemical agent spray day! The class cannot wait!!
Adult Education
Trudy Dailey, Brent Stubbs, and the Adult Education team are currently developing material to distribute to the community and feature on the Career Pathways website. Cluster leaders have been given the information to review so we can develop cluster visuals.
Did you know that we have 26 part-time instructors in our Adult Education program? Wow! We could not do Adult Education without them. Special thanks to our many part-time instructors who work tirelessly throughout the county to deliver a high-quality and student-centric learning experience.
Back on the main campus, our AAAE classroom has been quite busy – a lot of students doing a lot of studying. In fact, the classes are so full on the main campus that we need more room. We certainly don’t want a waiting list of students – we want to meet their educational needs now! Some out of the box solutions are being developed to solve this exciting problem!
This week, the students worked on some interesting and informative pull-out lessons on descriptive writing, developing topic paragraphs, homonyms, area and perimeter, plant terminology, and vegetable gardening.
Did you know tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash are really fruit?
And, as we like to say around here: “GED…It’s just the beginning!”
Student Affairs
Betty Jones attended the monthly Lake County grants meeting this past week. She has a list of several new grants to begin working on, especially for the South Lake area. In addition, she and Layne Hendrickson are exploring the possibility of writing a grant to create a mobile simulation classroom, which can be used on the main campus, in Sumter County, and in Mascotte for EMS and Nursing students.
Scholarship Opportunities for your Dual Enrollment Students
If you have a dual enrolled student from Eustis High School, please let him/her know that the Woman’s Club of Eustis is offering a $500 scholarship to a EHS student who wants to enroll at Lake Tech upon graduation. The application is posted on the high school’s websiteopens in a new window.
The Villages Motor Racing Fan Club is offering a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior from Lake, Sumter, or Marion County who has motor racing interests and who will be pursuing higher education in a field related to the world of motor racing. Here are the requirements:
- Must live in Lake, Sumter, or Marion County
- Applicant must be accepted to an institution of higher education (technical centers included) on a full time basis
- Must have at least a 2.5 GPA
- Applicant must submit an acceptance letter for the higher education institution, a high school transcript, 2 non-family letters of reference, and a 2-page essay describing his/her interests in motor sports and the applicant’s long-range career objectives
- Deadline – March 31
If you have any graduating seniors who are interested in applying for this scholarship, please ask them to see Mrs. Jones in Admissions.
A webinar entitled “Social Media for Small Shops” will be available on Tuesday, February 28 from 2 – 3 pm. If you are interested in participating, please let Debbie Zaharis know. This webinar is specifically designed to assist technical schools and colleges with their social media impact.
Around Campus
Kathy Roberts and Pam Netherton are spearheading “Operation TEAMWORK” at Lake Tech on March 10. Due to generous contributions by Jon’s Nursery and Scotts, we have plants, enriched soil, and mulch to be used to spruce up Lake Tech. Since many of the current plants are past their prime, they need to be removed. We will be planting fresh plants and spreading mulch. We are looking for eager volunteers who are strong and tough and willing to offer their time, muscle, and energy. This is not a garden party, we will be looking to you to help us remove some of the older plants who have dug their roots deeply into the soil. If you don’t like to play and get dirty, we will also need helpers in the kitchen to keep our volunteers fed and hydrated.
If you can’t commit for the day, an hour or two would be great! Please respond to Kathy Roberts at robertsk1@lake.k12.fl.usopens in a new window to let us know that you are interested and if there is something special that you have to contribute.
In the Community
Kudos to Tom Netherton, Bob Zehner, Mark Prescott, Brent Stubbs, Trudy Dailey, Debbie Zaharis, Dr. Culpepper, James Spencer, Jr., instructors, and students for working together to produce an exciting video that will be featured on the Lake County Government website. Your hard work was appreciated. Tom’s creativity is reflected in the video. As soon as it is posted, we will share the link so you will be able to view it.
Lake Tech is going to participate in several community events in the next month! Of course, on Feb. 25th we’ll have a float in the Eustis Chamber GeorgeFest Parade. Mark Prescott, the Auto Collision team, and Digital Design team have been working hard to make sure we have a float that reflects the “Made in America” theme. Please encourage your students to participate by either riding on the float or walking along the parade route.
Mark your calendars for March 14th. We will have a booth from 1 pm until 7 pm at the Mt. Dora/Tavares Joint Chamber Business Expo at Lake Receptions in Mount Dora. Please encourage your students to attend this great networking opportunity.
Also, on March 17, Chuck Durante, GED Instructor, and Steve Bagg, HVAC/Solar Instructor, will represent Lake Tech at the Green Festival which will be held at Cooper Memorial Library from 10 am until 2 pm.
Kudos to Lake Tech Kiddos!
Nathan Rosenglick, son of instructor Sonya Rosenglick, placed first in the Web Page Creation – Middle School at the Future Business Leaders of America District awards ceremony which was held Friday, February 18.
Celia DeLibro, daughter of Lt. Chris DeLibro, was named the Disney Dreamer and Doer representing Triangle Elementary School.
Congratulations to these outstanding kids!