In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Habitat for Humanity Workday, May 31, 8 – noon
- SkillsUSA Fundraiser, Yard Sale and Car Wash, June 4
- Graduation, June 23 at 7 pm, Lake Receptions
Academic Affairs
Administrative Office Specialist / Accounting Operations – The Business program students want to thank the Cosmetology students! (Ms. Whalen and student Gabriella specifically). Accounting Operation student Paige Brousseau had a birthday this week, and a fellow student gave her a surprise “pampering” with a hair update and manicure. Ms. Whalen and Gabriella were in on it.Paige was so excited.
Jobs, jobs everywhere, and not enough students to fill them! We get inquiries for placements all the time, and we don’t have enough students to fill those needs. We’re sorry employers; we are getting them ready and will have more students to place soon. Please keep the offers coming in to us; we really appreciate it! Contact us if you are able to support our students with “job shadowing” and/or co-op positions in August and September as we have returning students that are already anxious to get out into the business world for hands-on experiences. You can email us directly with inquiries to
Mrs. Rosenglick, we also want to thank you for doing a final “LinkedIn” session for our students that are nearing graduation. Your time is valuable and appreciated – we are always grateful for both.
Congratulations to our two dual-enrolled students, Amanda and Cece, who are graduating from Tavares High School on June 3, 2016. Amanda will be walking in our graduation on June 23, 2016, so “dual” congratulations to her. We are proud of you and know with your skills and professionalism, you both will be a success.
Every week we have another student completing his or her program and walking away from us and into their bright future. “Cheers to you, and melancholy tears to us”……. Best Wishes! Don’t be a stranger. Please come back next year and be a guest speaker!
CNA – the CNA students graduate. Congratulations!
EMS Programs – Congratulations to Paramedic student Robert Isom on his induction into the National Technical Honor Society. The award ceremony was held May 25, 2016 held at Lake Technical College’s Institute of Public Safety.
Mr. Isom is shown below with Dr. Diane Culpepper, Melissa Stephan, and Chief Mark Swanson.
Medical Assisting – The Medical Assisting students, along with those from the Diesel program, will be holding a fundraiser on June 4 to raise money to send their two students to National Skills USA. The Yard Sale will be held on the Eustis Campus and the Car Wash will be held at the Sonic in Eustis. Please feel free to donate items, purchase items, and have your car washed!
Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – This week, the students learned to sauté escargot and exclaimed, “What great fun with fire!”
Maria, who does such a good job taking care of the dish room, was on vacation for a week. We didn’t miss a beat and hope Maria was proud of our teamwork while she was away.
A Cybersecurity program will be added in August so students can add advanced security skills learned in CSIT. Cybersecurity is an in-demand career field.
Fire Fighter – Congratulations to the Fire Fighter Basic Recruits who completed their requirements on May 27th. Students from the night class, the day class, and the combo class celebrated their successes. Eustis Fire Chief Swanson was the guest speaker.
US&R Technical Search Specialist Class
Law Enforcement Academy Day Class – To begin, last week the recruits found themselves in the heart of Tavares honoring those who have fallen in the line of duty. In a very solemn, but very powerful, hour of remembrance, the recruits were surrounded by many current officers and deputies who either knew someone that was being honored or was inspired enough by their honorable acts to want to become part of the family of blue. It was clear that the same sentiment of duty was felt throughout the class.
By this week, the class moved on to the block “Crime Scene to Courtroom.” Among several of the activities, Chief Hoagland from Astatula showed the recruits how to use a fingerprint kit. And after his demonstration, each student was allowed a chance at their very own hands-on experience.
Correctional Officer – The Corrections recruits are out of the range learning the proper techniques of shooting firearms and the proper handling of them. Throughout the week, they have worked on the fundamentals of shooting and are getting ready for their handgun and shotgun qualifications next week. All are progressing and learning a new skill that may one day save their lives.
Auto Service Technology – We want to congratulate three of our students for taking and passing the ASE test. Pierce Hanna A5 Brakes, Robert Barefoot A4 Steering and Suspension and Dalton Guscott A1 Engine repair. In the next few weeks, we will have more students take the ASE test. For some, it’ll be their first ASE test and for other, they will take their second or even third test.
What are the ASE tests? ASE stands for Automotive Service Excellence. According to their website, “ASE promotes excellence in automotive repair and service. over 300,000 Automotive Technician and Service Professionals hold ASE Certifications. ASE Certified Technicians work in every part of the automotive service industry. We certify the automotive technician and service professionals not the auto shops.”
Lake Tech is an authorized ASE Test Center for both our students and members of the community who wish to certify.
ESOL – The ESOL students on the main campus celebrated one of their own who became a US citizen this month. Congratulations Hiep To.
Adult Basic Education and GED Prep – Adult Education students enrolled in and utilized My Career Shines, also known as Kuder Journey, an excellent career exploration program. Beginning with three inventories, students were able to define their confidence level, work habits skills and career cluster interests. It was a great opportunity to further technology skills as well as to gain insights on students’ aptitudes and to discuss goal setting. Explorations of career clusters, job searches, and organizational lists and things to do were all part of the Kuder Journey.
On the reading front, in preparation for end of term TABE assessments, students tackled the most tedious lessons on dictionary skills and graphic information. Do you remember latitude and longitude? How about ABC order and guide words? Students were given the opportunity to engage with their classmates by presenting through a question and answer forum regarding computer-based interactive lessons. Much emphasis was placed on the overlap between reading comprehension and math-type graphs and tables. Yes, we used our math skills and did not even need a calculator– critical thinking, visual interpretation, and problem solving at work!
To celebrate Arbor Day and Earth Day, Mrs. Netherton gave a demonstration on how to properly prune a tree. One of the trees planted a few years ago in the courtyard as a memorial for the wife of Joe Baxter, a current member of the Lake Tech Charter Board, was in need of care. Mrs. Jennifer Trotter, their daughter, pointed out that it was looking quite overgrown, so this provided a learning opportunity for our students. Discussion ensued about proper tools (and keeping them sharpened), proper pruning procedures, tree growth habits, the importance of trees for our world, and the process of photosynthesis. Check out the new look in the courtyard. How did you celebrate Earth Day?
Reading students expanded their communication skills at the job fair that was held recently; they were challenged with an assignment to greet, question, submit resumes, and obtain business cards from various employers present. In addition, they had to write up their experiences and then orally present/share with the class. All adult education students participated in the event. At least one student was able to get an interview with one of the agencies represented.
The Reading students completed lessons that included words in context, suffixes and prefixes, as well as decoding within a passage. Emphasis on TABE test taking tips and reading comprehension were stressed.
Students’ goals towards GED/CTE programs were also a focus this week as we are in the home stretch for reflecting gains made and completing the semester.
Finally, there were achievements celebrated. A student successfully completed the remaining TABE requirement for her Career and Technical Education program. Another student moved up from the basic education level to the GED classroom. We are always proud of the hard work and successes of our students.
Student Affairs
National Adult Education Honor Society Induction Ceremony – Lake Technical College ABE/AAAE/GED and ESOL students were inducted into the National Adult Education Honor Society on May 24, 2016, at Lake Tech’s main campus. Families and friends joined the celebration and enjoyed the motivational words shared by Maria Torres, Parent involvement Specialist, with Lake County Schools, and the presentation of certificates to our honorees. Lake Tech is proud to recognize these outstanding students who attend our classes throughout Lake County!
National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony – Lake Technical College CTE students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society on May 25 at the Institute of Public Safety. Chief Swanson from the Eustis Fire Department was the guest speaker. Congratulations to all the students and their families and friends.
Graduation – Lake Technical College June 2016 graduation will be on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at Lake Receptions at 7 pm. Students and instructors should be there at 6:15. Photographs can be taken before or after the ceremony. Students may pick up their graduation regalia in the Admissions office beginning June 13. Graduation questions can be directed to Sonya Rosenglick at 352-589-2250, ext. 1855.
Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center is open on Mondays (11 am until 6:30 pm), Wednesdays and Fridays (8:30 am until 4 pm). Services offered include developing and refining resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, interviewing techniques, job search assistance, and much more. Please share this information with students and graduates. The Career Success Center is located in Room A-208.
Professional Skills Seminar – Attorney Judy Stewart was a guest speaker last week as part of the professional skills seminar series. She spoke on a variety of legal issues and answered questions. Ms. Stewart worked as a legal assistant until she earned her Juris Doctorate degree at age 41. She has served on the Business program advisory committee over the years and is currently running for Lake County Judge. Thanks Judy for spending time with the students.
Etta Turns 60! – The Eustis Fire Department stopped by to celebrate Etta’s 60th Birthday! (Not really, we had a fire drill…. But it makes for a great picture!)
Sharing Our Story…
- Check out the Partners for Success video (lots of great Lake Tech programs are in the video).
- Students from Mt. Dora Middle School AVID program toured Lake Tech last week. These students are beginning to explore careers and we are glad they stopped by our campus.