Lake Tech Brings Home the Bling

Lake Technical College – SkillsUSA Winners

Twenty Lake Technical College students competed in the SkillsUSA Florida State competitions in Lakeland, FL, at the end of April.  Thirteen of the twenty students scored high marks and received medals in their competition: 5 bronze medals, 3 silver medals, and 5 gold medals.  The five gold medalists will proceed to the National Leadership and Skills Conference for the SkillsUSA Championships in Louisville, Kentucky, June 22-26, 2015 – more information on the conference and competitions can be found here: According to the SkillsUSA website, “more than 6,000 outstanding career and technical education students – all state contest winners – will compete hands-on in 100 different trade, technical, and leadership fields.”  We are extremely proud of all of our students who have competed thus far, both at the regional and state levels!  The Lake Tech SkillsUSA team is currently working to raise over $8000 for the cost of the trip to Louisville. Interested persons can support the team at: All proceeds will go toward the team’s trip.

Congratulations to the following Lake Technical College students: (secondary indicates a high school student who is dual-enrolled at Lake Technical College)

winners table for web Lake Tech Brings Home the Bling

SkillsUSA is a nationally recognized organization whose mission is to “empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of America’s skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical, and professional skills training. SkillsUSA enhances the lives and careers of students, instructors, and industry representatives as they strive to be champions at work.” More about SkillsUSA can be found on their website  Lake Tech’s SkillsUSA chapter consists of over 240 students and advisors, many of which competed at the Region 3 level in February.  Lake Tech instructors, James Brucker, Tonia Whalen, Lucy Ancona, Kerrie Johnson, and Tina Brucker, have worked diligently throughout the year to help prepare and support our SkillsUSA students.

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