Read about the latest makeover update in this Lake Sentinel articleopens in a new window.
The Collision Repair Education Foundation will be presenting Lake Technical Center of Eustis, FL with a “Mini-Makeover” during the International Autobody Congress & Exposition (NACE) Thursday, October 6th in Orlando, FL. Lake Technical Center was the only school in Florida that applied for the Collision Repair Education Foundation’s 2010 $50,000 Ultimate Collision Education Makeover grant. Due to the school’s proximity to NACE in Orlando, the Education Foundation has been gathering industry supporters/donors to fulfill portions of the school’s $50,000 wish list that they provided as part of the grant application. School instructors, administration and their collision students will be on hand during a presentation at NACE to showcase how the Mini-Makeover donors have benefited the school’s collision program.
The presentation will take place from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. in the ASRW Media Center located inside the Orange County Convention Center’s West Building.
Scott Kruger, Executive Director of the Collision Repair Education Foundation, said, “Lake Technical Center was one of 52 schools nationwide that applied for the Foundation’s 2010 Ultimate Collision Education Makeover grant and the only school in the state of Florida to apply. As industry professionals from across the country will be gathering in Orlando for NACE this fall, we thought it would be a great opportunity to not only highlight the Makeover grant program, but also help this local school through the support of our donors and supporters. We invite industry professionals attending NACE and ASRW to attend the presentation to hear how Lake Technical Center’s collision program has benefited through the support of industry donations and to learn how to get involved with helping schools in your local area.”
Lake Technical Center Director Diane W. Culpepper, PhD said, “Our sincere thanks to the Collision Repair Education Foundation for all their support for Lake Technical Center and our Auto Collision and Repair program. As our school budget continues to be cut, it is amazing to see business and industry step up to ensure that our students learn in the best environment possible. We couldn’t do it without you!”
“Giving back to the collision repair industry is a major focus of NACE each year and we’re happy to ‘pay it forward’ and provide a forum for such a worthwhile event,” said Ron Pyle, ASA president and chief staff executive. “We look forward to hosting this deserving school and celebrating the generosity of the industry.”
The Ultimate Collision Education Makeover school grant debuted in 2009 when Steel Center Area Vocational Technical School (Jefferson Hills, PA) was chosen as the recipient of the award. In addition to Steel Center AVTS receiving $80,000 from the award, the schools that applied for the 2009 grant still benefited from the Ultimate Collision Education Makeover program. In total, the 35 schools each received an average of $5,000 in products, supplies and equipment for a total value over $175,000. Every school that applied for the grant received at least one item to benefit their students and collision program. In 2010, the award went to Bridgerland Applied Technology College (Logan, UT). Through the generous support of industry members, Bridgerland’s collision program is on track to receive over $100,000 in donated tools, equipment and supplies.
School collision programs can download the Makeover application from the Education Foundation’s website at, which must be postmarked by Aug. 31, 2011. The Ultimate Collision Education Makeover school grant and other collision student and school support opportunities provided by the Collision Repair Education Foundation are made possible through industry donations. Companies and individuals interested in getting involved with the Foundation and joining its efforts to support the future of the collision industry can contact Foundation Associate Director of Development Brandon Eckenrode, at (847) 463-5244 or Brandon.Eckenrode@ed‑
The Collision Repair Education Foundation, founded in 1991, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to securing donations that support philanthropic and collision repair education activities that promote and enhance career opportunities in the industry. For information on how to donate to programs supported by the Education Foundation visit us on the Internet at: www.CollisionEducationFoundation.orgopens in a new window.