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Tech Tip ~ Searching Your Emails in Outlook

sonyas tech tips

Searching Your Emails in Outlook

There are times when I need to find an email that was sent a few weeks back or one that had valuable information that I need now.  I do this all the time as a point of reference for projects that I am working on.

Most of the time when I am searching for a previous email, I set the search box for All Outlook Items.

You can search by name of the person who sent it or by the subject of the email, whichever you think will get a more accurate result.   It is much easier for Outlook to find the old email if the subject line contained one of these, which is why we need to make sure that we make our subject lines pertinent to the email that is being sent.

Sometimes I am looking for a specific file that someone attached to an email.  I can then ask Outlook to search for a subject with only emails that have attachments.

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