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Lake Tech Awarded $13K by United Way

United Way Big Check Photo2 2019

Lake Technical College is happy to announce that the Adult Education program, “Correction Connection,”  has been awarded a $13,700 grant from the United Way of Lake & Sumter Counties. Lake Technical College’s (LTC) mission is to be an integral component of the economic growth and development of our community by offering a variety of high quality career-technical training opportunities, with a specific focus of “Getting Lake County to Work.” LTC knows that work = income = self-sufficiency. Our Adult Education Department focuses on helping students earn their high school credential through GED preparation and transition to postsecondary job training. The goal of self-sufficiency is the focus of this grant, Correction Connection. The Correction Connection program was established to address offender recidivism problems to continue building a strong, self-sufficient, income generating community.

The grant will be combined with other program funds and used to help expand the GED® preparation and academic remediation program currently available within the Lake County Detention Center. By expanding the Correction Connection initiative in this facility, the investment will produce a return that is vital to the economic self-sufficiency of those most at risk in Lake County. This expanded program will provide GED classes and transitional facilitation into postsecondary job training upon release.

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